
COMP-3150 (60-315-01) WINTER  2025  Announcements.

PLEASE, CHECK THIS PAGE FOR COURSE EVENTS.  Just scroll down to read from recent to old announcements.



Class Times:
COMP-3150-1 (60-315-01): T, R (11:30am - 12:50pm) UWindsor as announced in Brightspace.

In the event of an emergency online class, to attend any possible online class if needed on brightspace lms, Log on to Brightspace Then, click on Virtual classroom, and join Comp 3150 Class session for the day.
Office hours:
Comp-3150-1 (60-315-1): M
, 12:00pm-1:00pm and Tuesdays, 2:00 – 3:00pm  in my office at  CS.

Course Web Page can be accessed through: Or


Important and urgent class announcements are also sent to students through their Uwindsor email account. Please, check your UWindsor email account regularly.


Schedule for Extra Tutorials or office hours provided by Computer Science for Students at various levels can be found through a link found through the GA consulting hour link.



Posted Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Dear Winter 2025 Comp 3150 Students,
Welcome to my Winter 2025 class and see you in class on Tuesday, Jan. 7, 2025.

Course Instructor: Dr. C. I. Ezeife



Office Location:    CS   room; office phone: 519-253-3000 ext. 3012

Office Hours:         Mon: 12:00pm – 1:00pm; Tues: 2:00-3:00pm;


Classes: Tues, Thurs : 11:30am – 12:50pm;  Room : As announced in brightspace.

If it becomes necessary to move any class online, to attend any possible online class, Log on to Brightspace LMS (learning management system).

Then, click on Virtual classroom, and join Comp 3150 Class session for the day.


Course Web Page is open and can be accessed through Brightspace  or directly through:


Course Required Materials:

C.I Ezeife, Course Notes for Comp-3150 (60-315), Database Management Systems, University of Windsor, Fall 2024/Winter 2025.

Elmasri, Ramez and Navathe, Shamkant (2016). Fundamentals of Database Systems, 7th edition, Pearson. Isb-13: 978-0-13-397077-7; isbn-10: 0-13-397077-9.
US$50.94 from Pearson;on;  $235.00 from Amazon; 


Please, print or download the course notes from the web site and write notes from class lectures inside your notes and/or in a scribbler for easier revision in the future.


Where to Find and download Course Notes

I have placed a .pdf copy of the chapters of the course notes on the course web site through the course notes link at this course web site:


Note :  What you need to do to be able to run SQL through Sqplplus.

1.      You need to install the GlobalProtect VPN on your computer (PC, laptop, mac) to be able to connect to any of the CS machines called,, or in order to use the programs like the Oracle database management system (DBMS) for creating, querying and managing your databases.

       Information on How to Install or Update GlobalProtect VPN  


2.     You need to synchronize your UWindsor email password with the Oracle Sqlplus password (i) every time you change your UWindsor email password, (ii) first time you are logging onto Sqlplus on cs servers, and (iii) any time you are working on Sqlplus on our cs server and got locked out. 
To synchronize, go to  Then, follow the appropriate buttons to synchronize.

3.      Connect to any of the CS machines through either Bitvise SSH ( or Nomachine (  These two software programs can be downloaded from their websites. More details on how to obtain them are provided below.

4.      The following is the new cs help that all the students should try first.

5.      If connecting to Oracle Sqlplus through SSH client, the following instruction can be used. A quick summary of Sqlplus instructions can also be found on the course web page and on course brightspace resource folder.
sqlplus “username”
password:  (type your Uwindsor password where username is your Uwindsor username without double quotes. Eg.

(To exit Sqlpus, just type exit at the prompt, and to exit SSH terminal, type another exit at the prompt.)

6.      For Macintosh laptop users. You can simply run ssh commands from your Mac operating systems shell terminal with commands like the following:
password:  (type your Uwindsor password where username is your Uwindsor username without double quotes. Eg.

The above connects you only to one of the cs servers like delta specified above the way a Windows laptop user has connected with SSH client.  If you now want to run Sqlplus, you need to type the sqlplus command like:
sqlplus “username”
password:  (type your Uwindsor password where username is your Uwindsor username without double quotes. Eg. cezeife)
(To exit Sqlpus, just type exit at the prompt, and to exit SSH terminal, type another exit at the prompt.)




Video on How to Synchronize your UWindsor Account With CS server Oracle Sqlplus Account and Login to Oracle DBMS and Sqlplus


For students, who want to view the video on how to login to Oracle Sqlplus through the steps described clearly below, please, view a video created by a former TA.  Talk to a TA or myself during our office hours if you are still encountering any issues.  This is a link for the tutorial below.


Activating your Computer User Accounts and Accessing your Webmail 

Make sure that your computer user accounts are activated by going to :

And to access your email, go to url:


1.      Note on Oracle Sqlplus Login Issues, you need to synchronize your UWindsor email password with the Oracle Sqlplus password (i) every time you change your UWindsor email password, (ii) first time you are logging onto Sqlplus on cs servers, and (iii) any time you are working on Sqlplus on our cs server and got locked out. 
To synchronize, go to  Then, follow the appropriate buttons to synchronize. Use only your UWindsor userid without the part.


2.     More on Accepted SQLPLUS password

Due to recent changes in campus password complexity, Oracle passwords may pose a problem for sqlplus logins. The characters that can be used for an Oracle password without enclosing it in double quotes are the same as any normal Oracle identifier: only letters, numbers, and the symbols #, _ and $ are acceptable, and the first character must be a letter.  If the password includes any other characters, the entire password MUST be enclosed in double quotes for the Oracle login.

If you are having login issues with sqlplus, please check*Plus#Troubleshooting 

first. If you are unable to resolve the login issue yourself, or are having database rights privileges in creating or querying tables, send an email to the CS Systems Analyst, Sanjay Chitte, at


How to Connect to CS Servers (

On how to connect to our Computer Science servers called,,, to do your work, since we are no longer able to connect to the cs servers with the secure shell client (ssh/sftp) program, you can use either NoMachine or Bitvise SSH. 


To connect to servers remotely and be able to transfer files, you need to download NoMachine or Bitvise SSH. The NoMachine Player (client) is available for free on many platforms including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Android and iOS (iPad tablets).  It can be downloaded from and we have some instructional videos for users at


Read below for specific details.
To download NoMachine and Bitvise SSH, access, go to the cs download help link at:

1.     NoMachine to find the download link:  Then, download the NoMachine suitable for your own device. 

2.     The working alternative most similar to the old SSH client is the Bitvise SSH Client. Please to download Bitvise SSH client (not putty), visit:

3.     Ensure that you set the protocol to ssh(not nx) and that you connect to (not during set up of Bitvise SSH client .

4.     You can also download the Fillezilla secure file transfer protocol through the link: (download the Fillezilla client).


How to Use NoMachine  to  connect to CS Servers ( and Open up an X terminal to run SqlPlus

1.     Follow the instructions and connect to servers with NoMachine if not yet familiar.

2.     You now have a virtual machine interface similar to what you see in the machines on campus in the Java lab or the West Leddy Library lab. Then, left click on Applications on the top menu and select System Tools, then, Mate Terminal.  This creates a terminal for Unix/Linux commands on a white background.

3.     You are now ready to type your Unix/Linux commands for editing with a text editor (e.g., gedit), connecting to an SQL query language processor (e.g., sqlplus). You can also use the text editor pico with any either Bitvise or NoMachine terminal.

4.     If you want a copy of any file in the remote cs server brought to your local home PC, you can then use Bitvise SSH client file transfer protocol (SFTP), FileZilla or NoMachine to transfer the files to your local computer (or laptop) so you can submit the file for assignment solution.


Dr. C. Ezeife



