
COMP 8390 (60-539-01 )  WINTER 2025  Announcements.

PLEASE, CHECK THIS PAGE FOR COURSE INFORMATION AND EVENTS.  Just scroll down to read from recent to old announcements.


Course Web Page can be accessed through:


Important and urgent class announcements are also sent to students through their UWindsor email accounts. Please, check your UWindsor email account regularly.


Classes: Mon : 2:30 – 5:20pm  in Room : ER Room for Comp 8390


To attend class, Log on to Brightspace Then, click on Virtual classroom, and join Comp 8390 Class session for the day.


Office hours: Mons. 11:00am – 11:50am; Tues. 3:00pm – 3:50pm, will be held in my CS office.


Get the course information through the link Course information Volume 1.

Get more course information through the link More course information Volume 2

Posted Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Comp 8390 Midterm Test results have been posted through the web marks link:


Great performance in Comp 8390 midterm test by half of the the class (Well done to these students!!). However, the lower 50% of the class who got less than 70%  but more than 50% may need to review what they need to do in the rest of the class to ensure they do not get a total course mark of less than 70% or they may consider dropping the course. If you receive less than 50% in the course, I encourage you to drop in during my office hour to discuss.


Some of the major problems I found while marking is lack of understanding of the data warehouse design that I had stressed a lot in class and given several examples of.  Many students were integrating two different source databases that are computing different things into a data warehouse.  For example, they have one source database about Project and the second source database is about Inventory.  It is like integrating apples and oranges, where a simple data warehouse query to give the total number of apples in the two source databases will be wrong because there are no apples in the second source database.  Why then do you have a data warehouse?  The other problem is many students did not understand the main aim of the the data warehouse that must include integration, historical and in particular aggregate attribute and all their data warehouse queries are really not queries on the aggregate attribute but queries like ‘give me the total number of customers in the database’.  This is not really a data warehouse query as the total number of customers in the data warehouse will be the same as the total number of customers in the two source databases or in the case of apples and oranges kind of source databases, the total of the one source database containing customers. There are a lot of issues also with even Apriori and Fp-tree mining.  It is disappointing to find some students not attempting a lot of questions. Some of the problem is that many of the students missed some classes and never attempted to visit my office hours.


The marks are now posted on the web through my web page marks link, below, which you can also access through your brightspace marks link. I will bring the test papers to class for you to review, but you need to hand them back to me after reviewing the same day in class.


Note that the voluntary withdrawal date is Sunday, March 16, 2025 in case you think you cannot do well in this class.


Summary of class performance is given below.

Section Comp-8390 Midter Test Result Summary:

Average Mark:       60.3%

Highest Mark:         96%   (obtained by 1 student)

Lowest Mark:          07%

Number of students who wrote the test:    14

Number who got 100%:                     0     ( Excellent !!!!!)

Number with 90 <= mark < 100:    2   (Excellent !!!!!)
Number with 80 <= mark < 90:         1   (Excellent !!!!!)

Number with 50 <= mark < 80:         6

Number with mark < 50%:                5   (talk to me in my office hour)




Regarding Comp 8390 Research Seminar Presentations


To ensure we are not wasting time looking for how to connect your power point presentation starting this coming Monday, March 10, 2025 in our classroom of ER 2125 at 2:30pm, I have created or will create an assignment link for you to go and upload your power point presentation (as a .pdf file) so you can present it from brightspace.  Please, ensure you have uploaded your power point presentation on that appropriate brightspace link before your presentation as we will not go through switching computers, etc.  We do not have any time as the sessions are full booked with many presentations each day.  




Mark (out of 100%)

Midterm exam (Mon, Mar. 3, 2025)

25% (covers all lecture materials)

Student seminar (Mon, Mar. 10 to Mar. 24)

15% (graded 25% by students in the class and 75% by me)

Seminar attendance and contributions


One Seminar report (due by Mon. Mar. 24)


Project presentation(Mon, Mar. 24 to Mar 31)

10% (graded 25% by students in the class and 75% by me)

Project content demo and report (due Mon Apr 7)

20%  (includes project demo scheduled for Mon., Apr. 7)



Posted Saturday, January 11, 2025

Hello Comp 8390 Students,

Check the updated seminar presentation schedule and course information sheet through the courses web site on brightspace at:

Also, check other course upcoming events below at the end of this announcement.

In particular, for now, pick your research seminar paper and send to me through email with subject like: Comp 8390 Seminar paper topic number.  In your email, indicate the paper topic number for your selected paper as well as its title.  You find the list of papers to select from through the seminar link while the course information is found through the announcement link.  The two links are given below:


Professor also has office hours for this course on Mondays, 11:00am to 11:50am and Tuesdays, 3:00 to 3:50pm in her office in LT 5th floor.  You can also pick your seminar and project during her office hours.

Comp-8390 class test is to be written on Monday, March 3, 2025 in our class room in ER. Student seminar presentations begin immediately the following Monday, March 10, 2025. Each seminar presentation takes about 20 mins, and 5 mins for questions. Seminar grading is scheduled as posted in the seminar schedule on the course web site also accessible through your brightspace. Students in seminar grading group A will grade seminars for students in seminar grading group B and vice versa. Ensure that you have given every student grading your seminar a pdf as well as the Professor a copy of your seminar paper by Feb. 3, 2025. I will try to create a link where you can post the pdf copy of your paper with your name, your day of presentation and that seminar paper #.


Seminar reports are due on the day of presentation of the paper or latest the last day of seminar presentations.


Note: seminars are graded based on clarity(2), organization(2), quality (3), technical content(3). Ensure that your paper is not less than 9 pages or you may need to present two such short papers.


For seminar presentation, the goal is to focus on making clear the following: 

Problem addressed by paper, contributions of this paper, solution provided with clear algorithms and running example, limitations and advantages of solution and your opinion of work.   Check for example, how I tried to present the Apriori and the FP-tree growth algorithms for mining frequent patterns. Follow that approach as much as possible.  Think of the Input data, Output data, then the algorithm steps for the solution presented by paper.  Summarize these first and try to use an example to make yourself clear.


Students are expected to grade seminar based on clarity, organization, quality of talk and technical content.  Clarity judges how you understand what the presenter is giving from the way they present it(not based on your lack of concentration on what they are talking about). Organization judges how cohesive (the flow or togetherness) of the material taught (e.g., do they clearly tell you the topic, explain the purpose before discussing the solutions and results or do they jump in and talk of results when you do not even know what the topic is about. Efforts put into slide presentations also come in here).  Quality of talk judges the correctness of the presentation from the paper presented (that is, how well does the presenter understand materials in this paper or are they providing wrong information?).  Technical content judges level of difficulty of the paper presented and efforts put in by the student.  Some students avoid actually trying to understand and explain thetechnical solution (algorithms) presented in the paper, but rather spend too much time discussing purpose and performance analysis.



Mark (out of 100%)

Midterm exam (Mon, Mar. 3, 2025)

25% (covers all lecture materials)

Student seminar (Mon, Mar. 10 to Mar. 24)

15% (graded 25% by students in the class and 75% by me)

Seminar attendance and contributions


One Seminar report (due by Mon. Mar. 24)


Project presentation(Mon, Mar. 24 to Mar 31)

10% (graded 25% by students in the class and 75% by me)

Project content demo and report (due Mon Apr 7)

20%  (includes project demo scheduled for Mon., Apr. 7)



Posted Friday, January 3, 2025.

Hello Winter 2025 Comp 8390 Students,

Welcome and see you in class coming Monday, Jan. 6, 2025 at 2:30pm in the ER classroom specified in Brightspace.

Classes: Mon : 2:30 – 5:20pm in ER classroom.

Office hours: Mons. 11:00 – 11:50am; Tues. 3:00pm – 3:50pm,

If it becomes necessary to move any class online, to attend any possible online class, Log on to Brightspace LMS (learning management system).

Then, click on Virtual classroom, and join Comp 8390 Class session for the day.


Course Web Page can be accessed through:

Important and urgent class announcements are also sent to students through their UWindsor email accounts. Please, check your UWindsor email account regularly.

Get the course information through the link Course information Volume 1.

Get more course information through the link More course information Volume 2




C.I Ezeife, Course Notes for Comp 8390, Non-Traditional Database Systems: Data Warehousing and Mining, University of Windsor, Winter 2025.

Course notes can be downloaded from the notes page of this site.


Reference Materials:

1. Jiawei Han, Jian Pei, and Hanghang Tong. Data Mining - Concepts and Techniques, published by Morgan Kaufmann/Elsevier, 2022, Fourth Edition, isbn: ISBN 9780128117606). Cost: Amazon:  $107.17; Elsevier:  $96.84; Indigo: $133.50; VitalSource: Etext:  $79.00 **** Most comprehensive and useful to read for warehousing and mining.

2. Wilfried Lemahieu, Seppe Vanden Broucke, Bart Baesens. Principles of Database Management: The Practical Guide to Storing, Managing and Analyzing Big and Small Data, Cambridge University Press, 2018.  isbn: 978-1-107-18612-5. *** New book in the bookstore and useful for the traditional database reviews and NOSQL databases.

3. Raghu Ramakrishnan/ Johannes Gehrke, Database Management Systems, third edition, WCB/McGraw-Hill, 2003, isbn: 0-07-246563-8.  ** Any other undergrad DB book ok too, for Database overview.

4. Margaret H. Dunham, Data Mining - Introductory and Advanced Topics, published by Pearson Education, 2003. isbn 1-13-088892-3. (available in the library)

Research papers in Data Warehousing and Mining from a variety of journals and conference proceedings including:

C.I. Ezeife and Yi Lu, “Mining Web Log sequential Patterns with Position Coded Pre-Order Linked WAP-tree”, the  International Journal of Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery (DMKD), Vol. 10, No. -, pp. 5-38, Kluwer Academic Publishers, June 2005.